Sunday, February 2, 2020

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

Generally accepted accounting principles are the conventions, rules and procedures necessary to define accepted accounting practice at a particular time. These principles provide a foundation for measuring and disclosing the results of business transaction and events.

GAAP are conventional, that is, they become generally accepted by agreement rather than by formal derivation from as se of postulates or basic concepts.

How GAAP Developed

The principles are developed on the basis of experience, reason, custom, usage and to a significant extent, practical necessity. These principles are widely used and accepted that may be produced to underline and accounting statements.

Role of Accountant

GAAP instructs an Accountant what to do in the usual case when he has no reason to doubt that the affairs of the organization are being honestly conducted. Since he has reason to believe that this basic assumption is false, an entity different situation confronts him.

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